
5 Examples of Dental Digital Signage

The word is out: digital signage can revolutionize your business! This might sound like an inflated statement, but it really is true.

Digital signage is helping businesses all over the world maximize their marketing power, optimize communication with potential customers, increase customer engagement both in your establishment and online, maximize the patient experience, foster more loyal customers, and ultimately, help businesses make more money.

When it comes to businesses in the health industry, such as dental clinics, digital signage can be an incredible tool, since businesses operating in that industry face significant competition, and for that reason, need to employ technologies and techniques that make them stand out from the crowd.

As you will learn in this article, there are many ways that dentists can benefit from digital signage solutions. In this article, we will start from the basics, giving a quick explanation of what digital signage is.

The benefits that your business can expect to get from using digital signage will also be covered. We end the article with five concrete examples of dental digital signage so you can start to see those benefits materialize in no time!

What is Digital Signage?

Digital Signage refers to the use of digital signage software and a media player to display content on digital screens. While the description is quite simple, it actually covers a highly dynamic technology with a variety of forms and uses.

For one, there are many different types of digital signs. These can include consumer-grade televisions, commercial-grade screens, LED displays, video walls, interactive touchscreens, and even billboards.

Moreover, one of the most powerful aspects of digital signage is the sheer variety of media that can be displayed on these screens. Digital signage can include videos, images, text, digital menus, testimonials, pricing, directions, social media feeds, music videos, television shows and so much more!

To top it off, using digital signage does not require that you have a strong background in design. If you go with a high-quality digital signage solution like Loop TV, you can use their readymade templates to create stunning digital content.

With such dynamic technology, there should be no surprise that using digital signage can come with a lot of benefits. We go over some of those benefits below:

The Benefits of Dental Digital Signage

1. More New Patients

Digital signage is great for generating more foot traffic for your clinic. Unlike traditional signs, digital signs can display lots of different types of content that will catch people’s eyes and ensure that they remember your business when they are thinking of making their next dental appointment.

Moreover, digital signage is great for making that important first impression. As with relationships between people, first impressions are extremely important when it comes to how potential patients view your business. There are so many dental clinics with indistinguishable signs, and digital signage can make you stand out from the crowd.

2. More Sales

Digital signage is one of the most powerful tools available for in-store marketing. There are tons of ways that you can use digital signs for marketing purposes.

You can use digital menu boards to upsell your products, highlight promotions of a variety of services, and use testimonials to let your happy patients do some of the marketing for you. These are just a few examples of what you can do with digital signage, and we will be delving in-depth into more examples later in this article.

3. Increase Customer Engagement

Digital signage can play a huge role in increasing customer engagement with your business. This is especially the case when digital signage is paired with social media, informing patients about your online presence and expanding your brand reach.

4. Improves Patient Experience

It's no secret that people do not enjoy waiting for things, especially when they are waiting for what can be a stressful dental procedure. Luckily, digital signage can help entertain your customers during their wait time in the waiting room, which can actually greatly reduce their perceived wait time. This can greatly improve the patient experience.

Moreover, you can continue entertaining patients when they are in the exam rooms. Digital signage can provide content such as music and non-music short-action content to keep patients distracted from their treatment. Keeping patients relaxed and entertained will make them much happier.

Now that we have done over some of the primary benefits of digital signage for dental clinics, let's dive into some concrete examples of how you could employ digital signage in your business.

5 Examples of Digital Signage for Dentists

1. Upsell Services With a Digital Menu Board

You might think that digital menu boards are only beneficial for businesses in the food and service industry, but dentists can also greatly benefit from using a dental digital menu board. With a dental digital menu board, you can list all of the services that your practice offers, including special offers.

Often people do not know about all the services available at a dentist’s office. For example, they might associate dentists with occasional teeth cleaning and fixing cavities. But often, dental clinics employ a variety of dental practices.

For example, your clinic might offer teeth whitening. Many people might not know this, but you can display images of people after their teeth whitening on your digital menu board, and you will likely have a lot more people interested in this service.

Digital menu boards can be used effectively near the reception desk, but they can also be great to have displayed in the waiting room. While people are looking around, killing time before their appointment, they may find a digital menu board very interesting.

The great thing about this in-store marketing strategy is that people can simply get up from the waiting room chair and make an appointment for a service that caught their eye right then and there.

Moreover, digital menu boards and other forms of digital signage in waiting rooms can help to entertain your customers during wait times. This can, then, decrease the amount of perceived wait time.

Wait times refer to the amount of time that has passed while the person is waiting, while perceived wait time is the amount of time that if feels like someone is waiting. When people are entertained, their perceived wait times generally increase, and this will certainly improve the patient experience.

2. Enhance Customer Engagement with Social Media Feeds

Encouraging customer engagement with your dental clinic is good business practice. For one, people who become engaged with a business tend to develop loyalty to that business because of the added connection. Secondly, customer engagement can open new pathways for outreach and marketing.

One of the best ways to get customers engaged with your business is to use digital signage to highlight social media feeds. In this digital age, it is becoming increasingly important that businesses have a solid online presence. This does not just mean that businesses should increase the SEO of their website so that it appears at the top of the list for relevant searches (though this is incredibly important).

What it means is that businesses should engage with customers on social media, and there should be a consistency in the brand image and brand identity across all platforms. Highlighting social media feeds on digital signs in a dental clinic serves to bridge the gap between the physical store and the digital presence of the brand.

One option is to share your own social media feed. If customers see that you not only have a social media account, but that you are also sharing information about promotions, events, and special offers on that account, they will be far more likely to follow your account, which means that you have just opened up a path for marketing and interaction.

You can also highlight tweets from patients who had good experiences. For example, a patient may have gone to your dental office to get a teeth whitening procedure done. After seeing the great results, that patient may want to share their new pearly white smile on social media platforms.

If your customers see the social media posts displayed on your in-store digital signage, they will be far more likely to make their own posts about your business. This is an incredible way to boost brand awareness, and the best part is that your patients are doing this job for you at no cost to the business.

3. Foster Brand Loyalty by Familiarizing your Patients with your Business History, Your Staff, and Your Mission

People tend to become loyal customers the greater the sense of their familiarity with the business. So many business interactions can seem cold and merely transactional, so patients really do take notice when a business tries to bring that human touch. There are a couple of great ways that you can help familiarize patients with your business through digital signage.

One option is to highlight staff bios. With staff bios, patients can learn new things about the people who will be taking care of them during their dental procedure. Some things you might want to highlight pertain directly to the business, such as the education of the professionals working at your dental clinic.

But it can also be nice to add some more personal things, such as hobbies or interests. This gives the patient a starting point for conversation, and can make them feel much more comfortable during procedures that are typically uncomfortable.

Another way that you can increase customer familiarity with your business is to display a history of your practice. When it started, who founded the clinic, what have been the goals and ideals of the business, and other stuff like this.

When patients see this kind of information, a layer of separation between patient and clinic lifts, and patients become cognizant that they are in a place run by humans with goals and dreams like them. This kind of content can be great for fostering loyalty among customers.

Moreover, you do not have to choose between bios or histories. With a digital signage content management system, you can ensure that your playlist is scheduled to alternate between different content, as you might see in a slideshow.

4. Let Your Patients Speak for Themselves with Customer Testimonials

A lot of people harbor at least a little bit of skepticism when it comes to the claims that a business makes. This is true for virtually all businesses, but this is especially the case when it comes to businesses operating in the health industry. For that reason, it can be a great marketing strategy to let patients hear from other patients about their experiences.

This is where digital signage testimonials come in. With testimonials visibly displayed, customers can see that other people have had good experiences with your practice. Experiences so good in fact that they are willing to give a testimonial to the service. This is a great way to win the trust of your patients.

5. Create an Alternative Source of Revenue

It should be clear by now that digital signage can help increase your business revenue when employed for marketing purposes. However, a fact that is lesser known is that digital signage can actually help create an alternative source of revenue for your business.

This can be achieved by selling ad space on your digital screens to businesses that are trying to target the demographic of people at a dentist's office. It should not come as a surprise that many companies would covet such a direct path to marketing to that demographic.

Digital Signage in the Dentist’s Toolkit

Digital signage is a dynamic and powerful technology that can reshape the way you interact with and market to your customers, and it comes with a lot of benefits. While we have only listed 5 examples of dental digital signage, we hope that you will take this article as inspiration for you to come up with digital signage uses that work best for your business!