
5 Examples of Digital Signage for Malls

Shopping centers have gone through a major transformation in recent years, from merely being a collection of retail stores and a food court to full-fledged entertainment complexes with movie theaters, amusement parks, and indoor sports facilities.

To keep visitors coming back, malls are now focusing on creating unique, engaging experiences with the help of digital signage. Management companies are using digital signage to increase the value of their tenants while creating new marketing and promotional opportunities.

From entrances to the food court, malls strategically place digital signage in high-traffic areas to capture the attention of visitors and make their shopping experience even more enjoyable.

If you're still unsure what you can do with your mall's digital signage, here are 5 creative examples of mall digital signage that you can use to improve customer experience.

Do Digital Signage Displays Work for Malls?

According to a recent survey conducted by WBR Insights that included 100 retail leaders responsible for in-store environments, an overwhelming 87% of respondents believe that interactivity is the key to success for any in-store digital signage strategy.

A separate survey revealed that 66% of shoppers prefer to use self-service or self-checkout options instead of interacting with store employees, and 75% prefer to have access to handheld or fixed devices that can check inventory availability and prices to speed up and improve the convenience of their shopping experience.

The results of these surveys indicate that interactive retail displays can be a major factor in the success of a retail business as long as they are deployed and implemented correctly. However, it's important to note that simply deploying interactive digital signage is not enough to guarantee success; it requires careful thought and planning to ensure it is effective.

Powerful Ideas For Mall Digital Signage

When it comes to mall advertising, digital signage can be a great way to reach customers and create an engaging experience. There are many creative ideas you can use to make the most of mall digital signage and take your marketing efforts to new heights.

Each location has unique needs, from shopping centers to retail stores, requiring different content strategies. To help you get started, here are the five best creative ideas that you can use for your mall advertising campaigns:

1. Wayfinding Digital Signage

Shopping malls can be difficult to navigate. Digital signage can significantly reduce confusion and help customers find their way around. Digital wayfinding signage can provide maps of each mall floor, store hours, and other ads that grab the customer's attention. It's also easier to use than traditional printed displays and requires little maintenance.

Running wayfinding digital signage in malls requires an effective strategy that combines both hardware and software solutions. The hardware aspect involves setting up digital displays in key locations within the mall and equipping them with software that can display interactive wayfinding maps and navigation tools.

The software component involves creating the wayfinding maps and navigation tools in the software and integrating them with the hardware to display the maps and tools on the displays. To ensure that the wayfinding digital signage is effective, businesses should also focus on creating attractive and engaging visuals and content and use analytics to track usage and performance.

With this technology, shoppers can quickly and easily find their way to the store they're looking for, the bathrooms, the telephone, and the exits. Digital signage can make shopping in malls a much more enjoyable and stress-free experience.

2. Video Walls

Dynamic digital signage is a highly popular form of digital signage that uses LCD and LED technology to display visually stunning images and videos in full-screen mode. This can be used both indoors and outdoors and can now even include 3D content to create an immersive and captivating augmented reality experience.

Dynamic digital signage allows you to show your content according to a predetermined schedule and duration, making it an effective way to increase foot traffic, encourage repeat visits, and promote your shopping mall as a family-friendly destination.

Malls can use video walls to create a more engaging experience for shoppers and encourage them to stay longer and shop more. Video walls can be used to display promotions, advertisements, and lifestyle images to draw in customers and promote products.

Mall owners or managers can also use video walls to create virtual reality experiences, which can help customers feel more connected to the products and encourage them to make a purchase.

3. Window Screen Displays

There is intense competition in shopping malls. Attracting new clients will be challenging if you don't do things the right way. Digital signage is excellent for showcasing your merchandise for sale. It could be using in-store ads that highlight a particular item, commercials on television, or people discussing a specific item and what makes it different.

Window displays are a popular form of digital signage used in malls to create eye-catching visuals and help draw in customers. They typically use LCD and LED technologies to display videos, images, and graphics that showcase products and promotions.

Malls can use digital signage to provide vital, up-to-date information to shoppers. For example, digital signage can be used to announce the opening of a new store, parking hours, and mall events. It can also be used to provide shopping guides, weather updates, and health and safety information, helping to keep shoppers informed about what's going on in the mall.

Many malls offering food and drinks use window screen displays to show digital food menus that are visually appealing and entertaining. This has been shown to work in enticing customers to buy more by whetting their appetites.

4. “DIY” In-Store Interactive Kiosks

DIY in-store interactive kiosks are self-service kiosks that allow customers to access information, purchase products, and interact with a business without the need for assistance from a store employee.

DIY interactive kiosks are typically touchscreen-based and use a combination of digital signage, multimedia, and interactive software to provide customers with a range of services, such as product information, interactive product demos, online ordering, and automated payment.

DIY in-store interactive kiosks are becoming increasingly popular in retail stores as they provide customers with a convenient and efficient way to access information and purchase products.

DIY in-store interactive kiosks can help malls make more sales by providing useful information to consumers and encouraging them to interact with the brand.

Some potential applications of a DIY in-store interactive kiosk include the following:

  • Showing coupons or discounts for specific products
  • Promoting specific items or brands
  • Allowing customers to scan a QR code to access additional info or features
  • Facilitating customer engagement by allowing people to leave feedback or reviews of products

To provide users with additional information about a product, you can include a QR code that they can scan with their phones. Customers can also use this code to display a discount code they can redeem on your website.

5. Image Galleries

Visuals are a powerful tool for quickly grabbing the attention of your audience. To showcase interactive visuals of events and promotions to your new audience, digital signage in your shopping mall is an ideal way to get the message across. Images can provide a much more comprehensive and engaging representation of your brand than words alone, making galleries an invaluable asset for your business.

Bonus: Implement Interactive Quests with the Shopping Mall Digital Signage

Do you want to stand out from the crowd with your advertising? Have you ever considered using gamification to make it more interactive?

Create a short quest to interest your customers and offer them a discount or coupon as a reward. Running a quest game on a few of the mall's displays can also act as a detailed map that leads potential customers to your shop or booth.

Creating a quest or running a game on your digital signage displays can engage potential customers while guiding them to your store or booth. You can also use wayfinding with digital signage to make it easier for customers to find their way around your venue.

And by combining wayfinding with commercial deals, you can reward customers with discounts and coupons, making them even more likely to visit your store or booth.

Shopping mall digital signage has revolutionized the mall experience, offering customers improved experiences and enhanced marketing campaigns for the stores and restaurants in the mall. From wayfinding to providing customers with more information, digital signage is transforming how people shop at malls.

Ways You Can Use Digital Signage in Your Mall

By effectively using digital signage, malls can provide customers with a more personalized experience.

With bespoke advertising campaigns, customers can receive tailored messages and promotions, which helps them find the products and services they need more quickly. Digital signage can also be used to enhance the customer experience by providing wayfinding and in-store experiences.

Here is some of the best ways to get the most out of your mall digital signage:

Offer Real Time Information Regarding Sales with Shopping Mall Digital Signage

By displaying real-time information, shoppers can easily identify the latest offers and discounts available and plan their shopping accordingly. This can help increase foot traffic in the mall, as shoppers are more likely to visit if they know there are good deals and promotions.

Shopping mall digital signage is a great way to provide customers with real-time information about sales and events going on in the mall.

It's important to use the highest-quality signage displays to ensure that information is displayed as clearly and accurately as possible. Be sure to include images, videos, and text to make the information more engaging and eye-catching.

Also, ensure that the signage systems are compatible with the mall's existing systems to ensure that the digital signs are in sync with the physical mall displays.

Gamify the Shopping Experience

To create a unique and engaging experience for shoppers, consider adding a game element to your shopping center advertising. For example, you could host a QR Code hunt, encouraging visitors to take pictures of particular items or to complete other tasks. This would blend the physical and digital aspects of the shopping experience while also providing a reward for participants.

Create Amusement for Kids

Consider setting up interactive and fun activities with screens to ensure that kids and parents have a great time. This could be a photo booth, a branded stand with popular cartoon characters, or a game area.

By combining the physical and virtual aspects of the experience, everyone will have a blast! Just make sure the activities are entertaining; no one wants to be stuck with a dull installation.

Run Beautiful Videos

Consider running high-quality video content to create a stunning and captivating visual experience. This could be a promotional video for your business, a tutorial video, or an engaging video series. Videos are a great way to capture the attention of viewers and engage them in your message.

Highlight Your Employees

To ensure that your employees feel valued and appreciated, use screens to communicate with them. Screens are an effective way to recognize the best workers, showcase team achievements, and provide internal motivation.

You can use them to run videos highlighting your staff's successes or send messages of appreciation. By creating a positive and supportive environment, you can ensure that your visitors and employees have a great shopping mall experience.

Level up Your Advertising Game

To maximize the potential of your shopping mall's screens as an advertising space, make sure that you are aware of your advantages and place the screens in optimal locations.

With the proper mall advertising ideas, you can generate income from the network and attract more companies to partner with you. There are virtually limitless possibilities for how to use the screens, so make sure you stay ahead of the game to make the most of them.

Shopping malls are popular destinations for many people, offering an inviting mix of stores, lighting, interiors, and open spaces. Modern malls are taking things a step further by utilizing technology to create a more exciting and engaging experience for visitors.

Digital signage is one of the most popular tools for shopping malls, allowing them to provide various entertainment options, from movies to amusement parks to swimming pools.

This technology can be used to draw in customers from all corners of the mall and improve the overall atmosphere. By combining stores, lighting, interiors, and digital signage, shopping malls can create an unforgettable experience for their guests.