
How To Dust A TV Screen Properly

Have you ever thought about cleaning your TV screen?

Your TV, like any other mechanical equipment in your home or business, is an investment that needs to be maintained. Without proper maintenance, you may end up having to purchase a new TV every few years.

Cleaning and dusting are two of the many maintenance operations necessary for protecting the state and function of your TV. Without these practices, your TV screen will be stuck with dust, streak, and fingerprints, all of which will impede the quality of the pictures shown on your TV screen.

To get rid of these pesky impurities, it is important to employ a great dusting regimen using the right cleaning methods. To help, this guide highlights the best ways to clean and dust your TVs for the best and most pristine result.

Should I Dust My TV Screen?

TVs are a staple in many households today. With more than 1.72 billion TV households worldwide in 2021, it is obvious that watching TV is an activity many people enjoy. However, dusting or cleaning a TV screen is not an activity that many people think about.

For some, buying a TV is all there is to owning one. For many others, the occasional wipe-down using a rag- regardless of what material the rag is made from- is enough to lift dust off the TV and its screen. However, even this is not enough to keep your TV screen clean.

But, first, why is keeping your TV screen clean that important?

The most obvious reason why anyone should clean their TV screen- or entire TV set, anyway- is the collection of debris and dust that gathers on it. Televisions, like any other device, are not immune to dirt and dust build-up.

Over time, these dirt will gather due to static electricity. Static electricity causes adhesion, thereby attracting dust particles that will adhere to the TV’s surface until they have been cleaned.

Cleaning your TV reduces the effect of air-borne particles and dirt on image quality.by keeping the screen clean, you can enjoy high-quality entertainment while also prolonging the lifespan of your TV set. Essentially, cleaning your TV is a great way to reduce damage to your TV screen.

So, should you dust your TV screen?

The short answer is absolutely. Dusting your TV screen is a great way to protect it and let it last longer. However, simply dusting it with a napkin is not enough. For the best results, it is important to clean your TV set properly.

Everything You Need To Know About Cleaning Your TVs

Many people struggle with knowing the right way to clean TV screens. This is because they often do it using methods that leave streaks on the screen or are simply inadequate for cleaning the TV.

Using the wrong cleaning method defeats the purpose of cleaning the screen, possibly leading to temporary stains or permanent damage. Additionally, using the wrong cleaning products or agents such as spraying hard clicals on the screen may put your TV out of commission and negate any warranty that may still be in effect.

As a result, it is best to adopt cleaning practices that are best for your TV and its components. The cleaning method and agents you employ for cleaning your TV screen determines how effective the process is. So, how exactly should you clean your TV screen?

If you own an older TV model, such as a CRT TV or the older plasma TV sets, you have more flexibility to clean your TV screen however you like. These models are tougher and the glass screen can be cleaned like any other glass appliance in your home.

In many cases, using cleaning materials such as a clean rag and a window cleaner such as Windex will suffice. However, the newer TVs that dominate the market today are more sensitive and fragile and need to be handled with care.

Modern TVs, such as the popular 4K TVs, including Plasma LED (light emitting diode TVs) and LCD (liquid crystal display TVs) that entered the market more recently are more sensitive and require a cleaning method with mild agents.

How To Dust Your TV Screen

In all cases, whether you own old TV sets or more recent designs, it is important to begin by turning off your TV set. Unplugging your TV is not only safer for your TV but also guarantees your safety from electrical mishaps.

Additionally, it gives your TV set a chance to cool down in readiness of the cleaning to come. More importantly, you will be able to see diets, smudges, dust, and fingerprints on a blank TV screen better.

After unplugging your TV, it is also a great idea to consult the manufacturer's manual or guide. A manufacturer’s guide will tell you all you need to know about your TV set, including basic actions like turning it on and off (if you don't already know that) and how best to keep your TV clean.

For all TVs, the advice is usually the same- it is best to dust your TV screen with a clean, soft, and dry cloth, not just any old rag you happen to find lying around. Screens scratch quite easily but using a soft and dry cloth will ensure you get all the dirt and dust off your TV screen and its set without having to worry about doing damage.

The best kind of cloth to use is a soft, anti-static microfiber cloth, just like those used to wipe eyeglasses and camera lenses. It is best to wipe in a circular motion without pressing too hard on the screen. It is also equally important to not move or wipe the dirt being removed into the TV’s vents or speakers.

Essentially, to dust your TV screen, some of the steps you need to follow include:

1. Unplug Your TV Set: This will help you quickly spot stains or smudges on the screen, thereby making the cleaning process a whole lot easier.

2. Support The TV: Whether it hangs on a wall-mounted TV frame or is placed on a stand, it is best to support your TV set when cleaning or wiping its screen. This will prevent an accident such as the TV set being knocked over while its screen is still being cleaned

3. Wipe TV Screen: Choose a lint-free or microfiber cloth as your preferred cleaning ‘rag’. These can be bought at the store or may come with the TV set. Lint-free microfiber cloths are easy on delicate surfaces. They do not leave scratches, making it easier to remove smudges and stains from your TV screen without having to worry about scratching the delicate glass screen. The cloth should be soft and dry and be used to wipe the screen in a clockwise or circular motion.

4. Use Water As A Last Resort: Many people will argue that using water as a cleaning agent from the start will make it easier to get rid of dust and stains. However, water should only be used on stubborn stains that remain after using a dey cloth. However, in many cases, you can use appropriate mild specialist cleaners. If you choose to use a TV screen cleaner, ensure it is in line with the manufacturer's guidelines.

5. Ensure The TV Screen Is Dry: If you use a dry cloth to dust your TV, you can turn your TV on immediately after cleaning its screen. If you use water or a cleaning agent during the process, it is important to wait until it dries off before attempting to switch your TV back on.

Dusting a TV is a straightforward process that is easy when you have the method.

TV Dusting Tips You Need To Know About

Other than our step-by-step process for dusting a TV screen, some TV cleaning and dusting tips include:

1. Only Use Appropriate Cleaning Agents:

“My window cleaner should work perfectly fine for cleaning my TV, right?”. Wrong. Not all home cleaning agents are appropriate for your TV.

While they may leave your window looking spotless, they contain chemicals such as alcohol, benzene, or ammonia, all of which can damage your TV screen. More importantly, cleaning agents of any kind should stay far away from your TV unless they are appropriate and will be used as a last-resort.

2. Avoid Paper Towels And Old Rags

Paper towels may seem like a good option to get dust off your TV screen but chances are they may smudge the dirt even further.

Other options such as old rags, towels, and your sleeves may sound like great options for a quick TV dusting but they have the potential to leave marks on your screen, making it so that dust will be the least of your problems. More importantly, these materials are harsh and can scratch the screen, thereby damaging the TVs anti-glare coating.

3. Listen To Your Manufacturer

All TVs may perform similar viewing functions but that does not mean they are all the same.

Some manufacturers may state in their manuals that using a small amount of water or certain cleaning agents is fine when dusting or cleaning your TV while some may state that it is important to avoid all kinds of moisture if possible. As a result, it is important to always consult with the guide or manual before attempting to clean your TV.

4. Don't Apply Too Much Pressure

With the right material (and cleaning agent if necessary), dusting your TV is an easy process that can be done without applying too much pressure on the screen.

TV screens are fragile and are prone to breaking, cracks, or even damaged pixels when pressed too hard. To avoid any of these mishaps, never push down too hard when wiping the surface of your TV screen.

5. Don't Forget The Back

While the emphasis might be on the state of the TV screen and its margins, don't forget to dust the backs of your TV too! If your TV screen is dusty, chances are the back and ports begins may be even more dusty.

6. Skip The Cleaning Kit

Cleaning kits are often marketed as solutions for cleaning all kinds of TVs. However, they only come with a microfiber cloth and a small bottle of cleaning solution that is probably just water.

You can spend way less by purchasing a microfiber cloth (or several, even) at the store and skipping the water entirely. If you consider a cleaning agent a necessity, you may simply use distilled water or make your own cleaning agent.

7. Desperate For A Cleaning Agent? Use A Mild Dish Soap

Speaking of making your own cleaning agent, using a small amount of mild dish soap goes a long way in getting stains off TV screens. Some smudges simply do not come off TV screens. These hard-to-remove stains can be frustrating. To get rid of them, use mild dish soap.

8. Don't Forget The Remote Control

TV remotes may not gather as much dust as TV screens but they need to be cleaned too.

This is especially because they get touched a lot of times during the day and gather germs, stains, and probably even a small amount of dust daily. Remember to give your remote control a wipe-down while cleaning to ensure it is clean.

9. Wipe Twice

If you prioritize leaving your TV screen spotless, practice wiping it down twice, both times in different directions. Additionally, remember to flip and fold the cloth as you go. This will prevent you from pushing dust around.

10. Don't Forget The Ports

Our focus might be on the TV screen but it is equally essential to pay attention to the ports and vents. Clean within the crevices to remove dust and debris that may impede the TV’s functionality.

Enjoying A Spotless TV

Many people consider dusting a TV screen unnecessary. However, seeing how the neatness of a TV’s screen affects the image quality of the pictures being displayed, it is undoubtedly important to clean your TV.

Our step-by-step guide offers all you need to know keeping your TV spotless. Are you ready to enjoy an immaculate display? Arm yourself with our cleaning tips and clean your TV with the easiest cleaning practices we have highlighted above.