
The Benefits of Digital Signage for Libraries

The experience of a typical library user is rather routine and boring. They visit the building, conduct research or study, and leave with minimal interaction with other members.

However, you don’t want people only to come in and leave almost immediately. You want them to walk around, enjoy the view, and talk to you about the library's valuable offerings and their favorite books.

Library managers should switch to digital signage to enhance the engagement of library goers and prevent this banal experience. Unlike static library signage, typically in paper printouts on bulletin boards or printed posters, digital signage is more dynamic and attention-grabbing.

It allows staff to share captivating photos and video content on stunning digital displays, which you can update easily without reprinting.

Library Digital Signage

Libraries have been integral to civilization since at least the third millennium BCE.

When most people think of a library, they envision a physical building filled with books, magazines, and newspapers. However, there are many virtual libraries today. Most of them offer convenience and comfort to their members.

If people must navigate a physical space to find their favorite books or movies, you must enhance their experience. Library digital signage is essential for engaging people and providing them with the required resources needed to get the most of our their library experience.

Traditional library signage is less effective for modern audiences than digital signage. It is static and easily overlooked, often appearing unattractive due to its cheap materials that wear down over time, making the library seem outdated. Also, updating traditional signage with new information can be difficult, if not impossible.

Digital signage, on the other hand, allows for real-time updates, ensuring that visitors are aware of the latest information. Automated feeds for date, time, weather, and news connect the library to the outside world, while traffic and transportation options help visitors plan their trips effectively.

Interactive displays utilize wayfinding technology, making it easy for visitors to navigate the library. In an emergency, the entire system can be put into alert mode, providing clear instructions and evacuation routes.

Importance of Modernizing Library Signage

Modernizing library signage is essential because it improves the user experience for library patrons, increases communication between the library and its community, and makes library services more accessible and efficient.

Outdated or traditional signage can be easily overlooked, difficult to update, and may not effectively communicate information to library users. In contrast, digital signage provides dynamic and engaging displays that can capture the attention of library patrons and provide them with up-to-date information in real time.

Modernizing library signage also allows for better communication between the library and its community. Librarians can use digital signage to promote library events and services and to highlight significant community resources or events.

In short, modernizing library signage is essential to creating a welcoming and inclusive library environment that meets the needs of its users. By utilizing digital signage, libraries can improve communication, provide better access to information, and create a more engaging and modern library experience for patrons.

The Benefits of Library Digital Signage

Let us look at some of the many benefits of library digital signage for librarians and library users.

1. Enhanced User Experience

Regardless of the industry, customer engagement is vital to success. Engaged audiences are more likely to consume content, attend events, and become loyal patrons. In the case of libraries, digital signage can be an effective tool to increase member engagement.

Here are some ideas to engage library members using digital signage:

-Member Events: Organize events to engage members. For example, a Harry Potter trivia night could be held on Monday at 6 pm for 10-15-year-olds. The event could be interactive, with members answering questions on their mobile devices using a platform like Kahoot and the answers displayed on the digital signage.

-Author Quotes: Display inspirational book quotes on the digital signage and reference the author or book to build interest. For instance, a quote by John Keats could be displayed, “I was never afraid of failure; for I would sooner fail than not be among the greatest.”

- Charity Events: Organize a charity challenge to support a local charity. A read-a-thon could be launched, encouraging members to read a certain book. If the chosen charity is animal-related, the challenge could involve reading fiction books about animals. Proceeds from the challenge could be donated to charity, improving the library's reputation.

-Seasonal Content: Keep members engaged with seasonal-specific content. For example, you could launch 12 books of Christmas scheme or display an advent calendar of book quotes on the digital signage. This will help members get into the holiday spirit and keep them excited about returning to the library during the holidays.

By using digital signage to promote events, display inspirational quotes, organize charity challenges, and provide seasonal content, libraries can effectively engage members and create a more interactive and dynamic environment.

2. Cost-Effective Solution

There are many reduced or eliminated costs associated with adding digital signage solutions to your library. For example, with digital signage, printing and posting paper flyers, posters, or banners is unnecessary which can save on printing and distribution costs.

Digital signage also allows library staff to manage and update content from a central location, eliminating the need to physically update signs and posters around the library and saving time and labor costs.

Furthermore, digital signage can generate revenue through advertising partnerships with local businesses or organizations. These partnerships provide a stream of income for the library, which helps offset the costs of implementing and maintaining a digital signage system.

3. Ability to Use Existing Hardware

The best thing about switching to digital signage is that the cost to start is very low. If you have a TV mounted on the wall or a stand with an HDMI port, you can quickly these displays for digital signage without too much hassle.

The best part is many libraries may already have TV screens that can be repurposed for digital signage, eliminating the need to purchase new hardware.

This means that libraries can adopt digital signage without having to make a significant investment in new equipment, especially if they use Loop’s media player to get their digital signage up and running.

4. Wayfinding

Libraries offer a vast collection of books, with some housing millions of titles. However, finding a specific book can be daunting due to the overwhelming number of options available.

In the past, static signs were relied upon to guide library-goers to the appropriate section or area. For instance, if a member needed a history book, they would locate the "history" sign and then scour the shelves for the book.

This task becomes even more challenging in larger libraries with multiple floors and constantly changing stock. Library-goers require up-to-date information to find the books they need.

To address this issue, many library owners are using digital library screens. These screens offer digital wayfinding and significantly improve the library experience for members and visitors. By installing a digital kiosk, library-goers can search for a specific book and receive real-time directions, saving them valuable time.

Furthermore, libraries can easily update their sections, stock, or directions within minutes using digital signage software. This contrasts static signs, where changes could take weeks to implement.

5. Promote New Books and Events

To keep readers engaged and excited, libraries must continually enhance their offerings. Digital library screens provide a solution to this challenge.

Library staff can schedule promotions leading up to the release of new books, which may include videos from the author or book reviewers. This enables library members to decide whether they would enjoy the latest releases.

Digital screens can also be utilized to promote events such as reading clubs, workshops, and ongoing community activities, making it easier for library-goers to stay informed about what is happening there.

6. Strengthen Brand Identity

Having a solid brand identity is essential for libraries. It is important that members can instantly recognize library content across various platforms, such as emails, social media, or digital screens.

The more recognisable the content, the more likely members will engage with it, potentially leading to more sign-ups to library schemes and increased walk-ins.

Brand identity involves using consistent, recognizable elements in marketing materials that make the library unique and stand out. These elements may include fonts, colors, and brand voice.

It is crucial to maintain brand identity across all channels. Brand identity is key whether it is a social media post or an update on a library screen. By aligning all content and keeping it "on brand," the library appears more professional and makes its content more recognizable.

If the library has a poor brand identity, members cannot match the content to the library. For example, if the brand colors are blue and white on the website and social media but pink and green on the digital screens, members may think the content is irrelevant, leading to disengagement.

Digital signage is a powerful tool for libraries to strengthen their brand identity. By including all brand elements across the content, libraries can keep it relevant and professional-looking.

Why Put Digital Signage in a Library?

The library is often considered a quiet space for concentrated work, but it serves many other purposes beyond that.

It's a place where people can discover new books, discuss reading and school subjects, learn research skills, access the internet, listen to music, watch movies, and do homework with friends. Libraries are far more than just a collection of books and a sign that says "no talking."

For libraries, global messaging through digital signage can efficiently deliver a mix of messages to a diverse audience. Such messaging is crucial for encouraging students to identify with the school and engage in pro-social behaviors, which is just as crucial in the library as in the classroom or hallway.

The library remains a vital space for learning, connecting, and growing, whether through books or digital screens. Installing digital signage in public libraries is a modern and engaging way to communicate with visitors. With dynamic content, you can incorporate eye-catching videos, custom scrolling tickers of information, slideshows, calendars, and more.

Placing library digital signage screens in high-traffic locations, such as the lobby area, allows you to consistently reach visitors with important information and updates.

You can share general information about the library, showcase newly arrived books, advertise the benefits of getting a library card, and more!