
5 Examples of Digital Signage for Events

Hundreds and thousands of people visit event centers for different events every day. Event organizers must handle all visitors well. You need digital signage to ensure your attendees’ safety, improve their experience, and attract more people to your event.

Digital signage for events can be a great way to make a statement about your event or even promote sponsors. However, the signage must be clear, concise, and easily visible to attendees, as, without it, any event can quickly descend into chaos.

With the proper signage, you can direct your attendees to what they are looking for and wow them with memorable visuals that leave a lasting impression.

Here are five examples of digital signage for your next event to create memories for all attendees and passersby.

Event Digital Signage Ideas: Types of Digital Signage Solutions You Might See at Events

At events, digital signage is becoming increasingly popular to communicate with attendees and engage them through interactive technology.

Brands often use digital signage to promote their products and services and capture the attention of potential customers. Here are top examples of digital signage for events:

1. Mounted Digital Signage

Mounted digital signage is a type of digital signage mounted on a wall or a stand and is usually used to display interactive content such as videos, images, and text. It is a great way to create an engaging experience for visitors to an event or venue by providing them with an interactive experience that is both informative and entertaining.

You can also use mounted digital signage to promote products and services, increase brand awareness, and capture the attention of potential customers. It is a great way to make an event stand out and create a memorable experience for attendees.

You can use content management software to produce real-time digital signage content. The size and specifications of the display will depend on the location where it will be placed. You can opt for single or multiple screens to cover a larger area with a seamless presentation.

When choosing a content management system, it is vital to check the functionality and features it offers. The ideal choice is to enable remote access through internet connectivity so you can change content virtually.

It should have interactive technology for a better user experience and should provide high-resolution images to capture the attention of passersby.

2. Interactive Kiosk

Interactive kiosks are digital displays used at events to provide information, allow visitors to interact with displays, and even make purchases. They are typically placed in high-traffic areas to engage visitors and increase brand awareness.

You can use interactive kiosks for various purposes, such as providing information about a product or service, allowing visitors to make purchases or bookings, or providing entertainment. They are an effective way to engage visitors and make events more memorable.

With these kiosks, you can monetize digital signage by allowing businesses to display their information at your event. Smart touch displays can be used for the signing-in process, and interactive kiosks can be customized to fit the needs of businesses from different industries.

These tools can even help businesses collect data from people when launching a product, showcase a brand's achievements, and display promotional content to guests.

3. Smart Video Wall

Smart video walls are digital displays used at events to create an immersive experience when showcasing content. They can be used to provide real-time information, display live videos, or even offer interactive content for attendees.

Smart video walls can be used for various purposes, such as providing information about a product or service, allowing visitors to make purchases or bookings, or providing entertainment. They are an effective way to engage visitors and make events more memorable.

Led displays are used in smart video walls to project HD photos and videos. They are large displays with numerous screens that may be tailored to different designs. Using a smart video wall both indoors and outside is commonplace.

A content management system can be used to promote the sponsors, show the schedule of the event, direct attendees, and display promotional materials.

4. Indoor LED Screen

Indoor LED screens are digital displays used at events to provide high-resolution images and create an immersive experience when showcasing content. They can be used to provide real-time information, display live videos, or even offer interactive content for attendees.

Indoor LED screens are typically used for various purposes, such as providing information about a product or service, allowing visitors to make purchases or bookings, or providing entertainment. They are an effective way to engage visitors and make events more memorable.

LED screens are ideal for displaying messages, as they are much brighter than alternative displays like projectors and can provide high-resolution images with seamless continuity.

Their calibration ensures that the digital signage fits seamlessly into any room, regardless of the lighting conditions. LED screens can be set up in straight or curved style, giving you more options for creating the desired effect.

5. Wayfinding Map

Wayfinding digital signage can help attendees navigate the event venue. It can include interactive 3D maps, directional signage, information about event schedules and programs, and personalized navigation for visitors.

You can use software like Google Earth to provide an interactive, digital version of the event venue. This can make it easier for attendees to find their way around the event venue and quickly locate the necessary information.

For example, you can use digital signage to display an event venue map with highlighted locations, meeting rooms, and other points of interest. You can use digital signage to display directions to different venue areas and provide information about event schedules and programs.

Digital signage can also be used to show interactive 3D maps and provide personalized navigation for visitors. Events can be overwhelming with so much going on, but digital signage can help you stay organized and in control.

With the ability to choose what content is displayed, you can ensure that everyone is always aware of the latest developments. Digital signage also provides an excellent opportunity to connect with your attendees.

You can use it to feature sponsors, advertise upcoming events, or even provide entertainment while people wait in line. The possibilities are endless with digital signage.

Powerful Ways Digital Signage Can Transform Your Events

Digital signage is quickly becoming the go-to choice for corporate events, replacing the need for print media like cardboard.

Investing in a digital signage system is a smart choice, as it can save money and increase efficiency in the long run. With digital signage, you won't need to replace items constantly and instead can easily update content in real-time with content management software.

Digital signage is a highly versatile tool, and there are many innovative ways to use it in events. For example, you can use digital signage to display interactive maps and directions, showcase sponsors, advertise upcoming events, and entertain attendees. With digital signage, the possibilities are truly endless.

Here are some innovative ways to use digital signage at your next event:

1. Branding

Guests at a corporate event may rely on signage for several purposes, such as to find their way around or to gain more information about the event. Therefore, businesses can use signage to create brand awareness for themselves and other stakeholders.

It is essential to ensure that the content shared on the signage does not appear too promotional, as this will not serve the desired purpose. The goal should be to use the signage to enhance the guests' experience rather than only as a marketing tool.

To further engage guests during a corporate event, consider using different media content such as pictures, videos, and GIFs.

2. Room or Venue Navigation

Digital signage is an effective way of helping guests navigate during an event, especially when hosting in a large venue. Unlike printed instructions, digital signage allows you to remotely change the messaging in real time, according to the updated schedules.

In addition, digital displays are more visible from a distance than print and can be used indoors and outdoors. For even greater accessibility, you can extend the information from the signage to guests' smartphones by having an app and providing an internet connection.

3. Itinerary Events

You can use digital signage to provide a dynamic event schedule board, which is far more useful than static display boards. The digital signage can display the full event schedule, making it easier for attendees to navigate the event.

This also ensures that any changes to the event schedule are immediately reflected on the display, so attendees are always informed of the latest updates. With digital signage, event organizers can easily adjust their event schedules and ensure attendees have the most up-to-date information.

Informing guests about the schedule of events at an event can help make it more successful. Digital signage can display the itinerary and convey relevant information to the guests.

Incorporating an audio extension to the digital signage will help communicate changes effectively and in real-time and alert people to any changes in the schedule. It can also make necessary announcements and share important messages with guests. Displaying the itinerary on digital signage can help you keep track of the timelines and save time.

4. Livestream

Live streaming is a revolutionary tool for large corporate events, as it allows the audience to access various content from anywhere with an internet connection. It also helps large gatherings to share what is happening in one section with the entire group, eliminating the need for people to move or crowd around a single point.

In addition, digital signage can provide a great platform for streaming videos and live recordings of an event, ensuring that all guests can stay up to date with the important happenings of the day. You can use LED screens to stream these recordings across the venue, allowing everyone to stay informed.

5. Social Feed Displays

Sharing hashtags for your event on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram can be beneficial, as it allows guests to share their experiences with their friends.

Displaying the social media feeds at the event can also encourage more engagement, as guests will be more likely to post and interact with the brand if they know their posts may be featured on the screens.

This can be a great way to create brand awareness and reach out to new audiences. It also allows businesses to get their breakthrough by trending on social media and to gain insights from the comments to improve their events in the future.

6. Self-Service Kiosk

You can use interactive kiosks to make the registration process at an event easier and more efficient. Upon arrival, guests can use them to quickly and conveniently register and get essential information about the event. These kiosks can be used for ticketing, with guests able to pay for tickets directly at the station.

The self-service kiosks also give sponsors and guests a great first impression, providing a modern and efficient way to register and access information. Guests can use the kiosks to search for event details such as schedules and information, and they can also be used to create a gallery of event posters and upload photographs taken at the event.

Furthermore, guests can use the kiosks to print photos, which can then be viewed on their smartphones through the app.

7. Virtual Games

Digital signage can be used to bring a sense of fun and entertainment to any event, thanks to the integration of interactive technology. A cloud-based system can be used to support virtual gaming, making it suitable for corporate and social events.

Interactive digital signage can also be used to bring people together and help build teams. Moreover, interactive digital signage can be used to conduct polls and live audience response sessions, making events more engaging and allowing people to contribute in real-time. Projecting the results from these polls in real-time will further add to the atmosphere and make events more exciting.

8. QR Code Display

Using QR codes is a great way to enable guests at your event to take a particular action quickly and easily. The QR codes can be displayed on digital signage screens near the guests, who can then scan them with their mobile devices to access products and services. This eliminates the need for people to queue up to access the service.

Businesses often use QR codes during product launches and promotions, giving people instant access to information about the product. Additionally, QR codes can be integrated into marketing content, allowing people to scan them to view details about a product on display.

Digital signage is a versatile and powerful tool that has a wide range of applications. You can use digital signage to promote events, improve customer experience, boost sales, and more. Overall, digital signage is a great way to promote your event and improve social reach.